Christ the King Reformed Baptist Church was created out of our deep passion to see God glorified above human tradition, above human wisdom, and above human personalities. For creaturely things should not ever hinder our worship of the one and only Sovereign King.
- We are Baptists. This means that we hold to distinct Baptist theology which leads us to understand baptism as a means of grace granted only to those who truly believe in Christ (believers baptism) and is administered through full immersion only. In regards to the Lord's Supper (Communion) being Baptist means that we do not hold to the thought that Christ is actually present in the wine and bread but rather the sacrament of Communion is symbolic of the New Covenant bought by his broken body (the bread) and his blood (the wine). We also believe that church governance is left to the Elder's of the local assembly and that the church is autonomous from outside control.
- We are Reformed. This means that we stand in the Reformed tradition that is summed up primarily with the 5 Solas of the Reformation. Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone), Solus Christus (Christ Alone), Sola Fide (Faith Alone), Sola Gratia (Grace Alone), and Soli Deo Gloria (Glory to God Alone). We also hold to the belief that God is sovereign over the affairs of man and even more specifically over the salvation of the elect. This would mean that we fully affirm the acronym T.U.L.I.P that summarizes John Calvin's systemized biblical work regarding the salvation of the elect.
- We are Confessional. This means that we as a congregation are first and foremost led by and stand upon the truths of Scripture alone (Sola Scriptura) for no creed or confession stand above the Holy Scripture. However, we believe that many of the most crucial theological doctrines that inform our lives as Christians in the public, private, and church spheres are clearly articulated within the historic confessions of faith that have been affirmed throughout the centuries. The Statement of Faith that we hold to as our church's common confession is the 1689 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith.
- We are Complimentarians. We believe that from God's Word, men and women are considered equally made in the image of God and thus equal at the foot of the cross. However, we do see from Scripture that men and women are equal in value but different in function and role. We believe the Holy Scripture is abundantly clear that men, because of God's original design, were called to humbly and lovingly lead in all spheres of life (home, church, society). This by no means indicates that women are of lesser value or capability, rather it shows that men and women, while created equal in the image of God, their functional roles are fundamentally different. God created Adam to have dominion and he created Eve as Adam's assistant in the tasks of dominion. In our church this looks like godly male leadership in most tasks, specifically in teaching and leading the worship service, yet all of it with women serving faithfully and joyfully to accomplish the many tasks of the church.
Please click on the links below for more information about who we are and for further explanation about some of the distinctives mentioned above.