We at Christ the King Reformed Baptist Church believe that children of a certain age (4 and up) benefit by observing and participating in the corporate worship service, including the teaching portion. Children learn, some faster than others, to be attentive to the Word of the Lord by seeing their parents and others model this behavior. We also hold to the conviction that the primary people to disciple children are the parents, not a Children's director, not a Youth Pastor, not even the Pastor.
We, however, do not find that age segregation is unhelpful in all cases, such as the case with Vacation Bible School or women of the church of a certain age meeting together for spiritual growth. Peer to peer discipleship is helpful, but in the case of children it should not be primary.
We are excited about what God is going to do in the life of our church and if you have young children and are a little worried whether they will sit in the service with you, don't be! We are here to love on and support you in any way that we can.